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Key Stage 4

Our Intent

Key Stage 4 (Years 10 and 11) aims to continue to build on the foundations developed in Key Stage 3, whilst introducing new skills appropriate to students' age and ability.

The curriculum within Key Stage 4 is tailored to suit students’ individual aspirations and aims to support students in acquiring the skills needed for a specific role, employment sector or further education.

The curriculum in Key Stage 4 remains broad and balanced, aiming to:

  • Support students in acquiring the key skills needed to be successful adults and be as independent as possible through the strands of Independent Living and Employability
  • Prepare and nurture our students
  • Provide opportunities for students to develop key skills in all areas of the curriculum
  • Provide students with access to a range of different learning and work environments
  • Enable students with knowledge and understanding of how to keep themselves and others safe in different situations
  • Prepare students to apply skills in Key Stage 5 and adulthood.

The curriculum offered in Key Stage 4 will offer enriched experiences and provide opportunities for students to progressively build and deepen knowledge, understanding and skills across the years. In addition to individualised learning, our students will work in a whole class environment, developing a sense of community.

In Year 9, students will continue to access weekly specialist subjects, such as Art, Music, CDT and Food Technology. At the end of Year 9, students will choose two of these subjects to continue studying in Years 10 and 11. The ‘options’ will allow students to voice their preferences on which subjects they enjoy and also support students in identifying what specific skills they may need for their next steps, such as for college or a supported work placement.

The curriculum, along with effective assessment, will enable students to gain a variety of nationally recognised certificates and accreditations (where appropriate), such as Functional Skills English and Maths, Duke of Edinburgh Award and Level 2 Food and Hygiene.


Students will progress to their next key stage with skills and knowledge ready for application to a level of independence they feel they can achieve. Students will have accessed a range of work-related opportunities and have a clear idea about their personalised Pathway into Post 16 and beyond.