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How Well We Are Doing

How do we make sure our students are safe and well-supported? 
  • We aim to ensure that families are supported and fully embedded within our vibrant school community.
  • British Values are incorporated into everything we do.
  • Equality and diversity are openly celebrated.
  • We work collaboratively with students, families and specialist providers to ensure student mental health is supported and prioritised.
  • We give learners a voice in their personal development: ‘do with, not to’.
  • Students take pride in their achievements and are resilient learners.
  • Reports of bullying and discrimination are addressed swiftly with the involvement of parents if persistent.
  • We prioritise social capital through the development of our vibrant school community so that all learners are included.


How do we self-assess? 
  • At Windmill Hill School we want to ensure that every child gets the education that they deserve.
  • As a team, we work hard to form an honest and accurate picture of how we are doing, so that we are always working as effectively as we can to improve the school.
  • Across the Creating Tomorrow Trust, there is an agreed program for quality assurance, which feeds into the wider self-evaluation of learning, teaching and monitoring of outcomes.
  • Governors review the effectiveness of the school through a Key Performance Indicator document that is updated and presented at each meeting of the local governing body.
  • That means that every aspect of the school needs to be focused on supporting our children and young people to access learning and make progress. For example; pupils feeling safe, staff and facilities able to support learning are all parts of the school that leaders monitor and use, to check the ‘health’ of Windmill Hill School.


How are we making sure that every child receives teaching to meet their individual needs? 
  • Use of individual education plans to set relevant targets, monitor progress and advise on future personalised planning for learning.
  • Year 7 Catch-up funding was spent effectively to enable students to close the gaps in national expectations in the basic skills of literacy and numeracy.
  • Pupil Premium: is used effectively to help those eligible to achieve well. This is not only by supporting, for example, improvement in literacy skills, but often by improving individuals’ well-being and personal development, which leads to improved achievement.
  • Identified interventions to support inclusive education, which may include alternative therapies and provisions.
  • Personalised timetables focus on learning and development in specific and relevant areas for each student.
  • Multi-agency involvement supports holistic education, health and care planning from 11-19 and beyond.


How are we working with families and the community? 
  • Building social capital for our students is a key school priority. As such, we place great emphasis on our vibrant school community.
  • Our Family Support Worker works closely with parents/carers within our purpose-built family room. We offer opportunities for families to attend workshops and personal support sessions and encourage parents/carers to become involved in school life.
  • Quality of life is a key driver that underpins practice at Windmill Hill. Building community links and experiences for our students is important for the emotional wellbeing of our learners. These experiences will help to develop confidence, and the ability to realise their personal aspirations for the future.
  • We actively seek out opportunities to form collaborative connections within our local community and are always keen to further expand community links.


What does your Ofsted report say? 

Our most recent Ofsted visit was in February 2024, where we were rated 'Inadequate' with serious weaknesses.

Though we are not happy with the outcome, inspectors agreed with our own internal appraisal of the school and supported the plans we were already implementing to turn around the quality of education. The rapid improvement plan, however, had not had time to make an impact on the judgement at the time Ofsted visited. We encourage you to read the Ofsted report below as they were supportive of our plan to turnaround the quality of education.

Going forward, we will have regular monitoring visits from Ofsted to ensure we are going in the right direction, and the next full inspection will be in around 30 months' time.

You can download and read our letter to parents about the Ofsted inspection along with frequently asked questions. 

Read a copy of the Ofsted report.


How do I find out about the school's performance? 

You can compare Windmill Hill School's performance compared to other schools on the official Government website.

See performance.