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Education, Health & Care Plan Process

For information regarding the Education Health and Care Plan process, please refer to the Luton Local Offer:

Education, Health & Care needs assessment (

The Special Educational Needs Assessment team (SENAT) is responsible for coordinating EHC needs assessments, overseeing the assessment and planning process, ensuring timely decision-making and producing coordinated EHCPs.

An EHC needs assessment can be requested by:

  • The child’s parents.
  • A person acting on behalf of the school or setting that your child attends.
  • The child or young person themselves provided they are over 16 years old and under the age of 25.
  • Children and young people under the age of 19 in youth custodial establishments.
  • Anyone else who works with your child can tell the local authority if they think an assessment is needed.

Requests for an EHC needs assessment should be sent to the SENAT team in writing to:

Special Educational Needs Assessment team (SENAT)

Telephone: 01582 548132



Where to go?

The Leagrave Centre

Strangers Way




Personal Budget

Young people and parents of children who have Education, Health and Care plans (EHCPs) have the right to request a Personal Budget, which may contain elements of education, social care and health funding.

A Personal Budget is an agreed amount of money that is identified to support a child or young person with special educational needs to obtain additional/ specialist provision over which parents or the young person have an element of choice, flexibility and control about how it is spent to achieve the best outcomes.

For more information on Personal Budgets please go to:

Personal Budgets | Luton Directory