Windmill Hill School opening
We are delighted to welcome our original Windmill Hill Students on Monday 13th September for their first ever day at school with us, an exciting and momentous occasion.
The time has finally arrived and the staff team at Windmill Hill School cannot wait to greet the students today!
For your information, please note the following:
The school landline number is connected and working.
It is: 01582 280652 - it will be answered from 8am to 4pm.
If you are dropping your child to school, please come around to the student entrance on Concorde Street.
School lunches will only be baguette/cold sandwiches this week. If you wish to purchase school lunches, please send cash in an envelope marked with your child’s name. Cost of lunches is £2.50 per day.
Please contact your class teacher if there is anything we can do to support you.
We look forward to seeing you all. Thank you once again for your patience, but we are finally here and excited to open Windmill Hill School for the very first time today.